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    National Tutoring

    Programme Overview

    The National Tutoring Programme (NTP) supports schools by providing access to high-quality tutoring to help pupils whose education has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Evidence shows that tutoring can boost progress by up to five months, with extensive evidence showing that tutoring is one of the most effective tools to support learning and accelerate pupil progress. 


    As part of the Education Recovery programme, the government has invested a further £1bn to support up to six million, 15-hour tutoring packages for pupils who need help. This support includes £222m to fund an extension to the 16 – 19 tutoring provision in addition to training and resources for the Nuffield Early Language Intervention (NELI) programme. 


    Academic year 2021/22. 

    Building on the success of the National Tutoring Programme 2020/21, there is the recognition that each school has pupils with varying needs so, the NTP programme has developed a tutoring proposition that provides a high degree of flexibility and choice. 


    NTP have developed options that make it easier for schools to access tutoring whilst ensuring that you can still exercise a high degree of discretion to support the pupils you believe are most in need. There are three options available that will help schools across the country, these are highlighted below: 

    • NTP Tuition Partners - Tuition Partners can be engaged by schools to provide targeted support for pupils in a specific subject area in 15 hour blocks mostly in groups of three, although groups of two and 1:1 support is also available where required. Schools can select from a range of organisations who deliver either face-to-face or online tuition in their area and 70% of the cost is subsidised by the government. 


    • Academic Mentors - Some schools prefer to use tutors as an ‘in class’ resource to work alongside the pupil’s teacher to address a range of interventions, focusing on 1-1 and small group sessions with pupils. In the areas that are most in need of support, you can employ trained graduates to provide intensive support. These Academic Mentors will provide support tailored to schools, including subject-specific work, revision lessons and additional support available outside the school setting. 


    • School-Led tutoring - Based on feedback received from schools during the inaugural year of the NTP, The Department for Education will provide ring-fenced grant funding directly to schools to support provision of School-Led tutoring, in the academic year 2021/22. The amount that schools will receive will be proportionate to the number of Pupil Premium students on roll. For the next academic year, the grant will be calculated to cover 75% of the cost of locally-sourced tuition (based on average costs of tutoring) with schools contributing the remaining costs. 

    NTP Strategy Statement
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