ATP ANNOUNCEMENTS: Food Bank open every Wednesday 2:00pm - 3:00pm


    Providing children with knowledge and skills across all primary subjects

    We define ‘curriculum’ as the totality of a child’s experience atโ€ฏAlder Treeโ€ฏPrimary Academy

    We define ‘curriculum’ as the totality of a child’s experience at Alder Tree Primary Academy, ensuring that they are secondary ready with the right knowledge but also with the right skills for the next stage of their educational journey. The children are at the heart of our curriculum and it is underpinned by our ethos of Believe, Belong, Become.  โ€ฏ 


    Our Curriculum Intent 

    Through a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum, we aim to enable all of the children at Alder Tree Primary to Believe, Belong and Become

    Our aim is to provide an education to enable each child to develop a sense of Belonging in the world by encouraging them to Believe in themselves and Become more than they thought was possible. Through these three attributes we will drive high expectations which will lead to high performance. 

    To achieve this our curriculum is full of opportunities that will enrich pupils lives and provide a clear context for what they are learning in school. It will provide ways to improve their communication skills in a variety of ways. The curriculum will provide our children with the chance to make connections to one another in their class, in the school and in the wider community. Our curriculum will empower our pupils and help guide the children into understanding that they have a voice and can make informed choices to help drive their own learning and shape their community. The curriculum will help the children understand that they can make a difference to their world. 


    To provide opportunities

    • You will see a cultural capital enriched by exciting visitors, purposeful trips. 
    • You will see immersive and exciting learning environments.
    • You will hear high quality books being read to pupils and by pupils.
    • You will feel a strong partnership between teachers and pupils, ensuring a community of co adventurers can be cultivated. 


    To support communication

    • You will see ambitious vocabulary being used and displayed in all classrooms.
    • You will hear pupils confidently articulate their learning and ideas.
    • You will see children working collaboratively; talking and supporting one another with their learning. 


    To give connections

    • You will see the National Curriculum linked to meaningful outcomes for learners.
    • You will hear pupils making links through high quality questioning. 
    • You will feel the impact of a deliberate sequential, progressive curriculum design.

    To empower our pupils

    • You will see children reading to learn. 
    • You will see learning labs which will foster enquiry based learning where children are encouraged to ask questions and search to find their own answers.
    • You will hear a community who are passionate about and show a genuine love of reading.
    • ๏ปฟYou will feel a sense of pride in the school and the local community. 

    Trips and Visits 2024-25
    • Core Learning

      Core learning is integral to the expectation of excellence that runs throughout our curriculum, ensuring that we demonstrate high standards to the children, and that they have high expectations of themselves. There is an emphasis on reading and writing throughout our curriculum, with maths being taught discretely, making cross-curricular links where appropriate. We ensure the effectiveness and demonstrate impact of our core learning through rigorous assessment in our cyclical benchmarking model. ‘Hook’ texts are used to engage children in their learning across the curriculum, giving all children access to high quality texts to promote a love of reading.โ€ฏ 

    • Life Skillsโ€ฏ

      Children at Alder Tree leave school with the skills to support them with lifelong learning to ensure they can access wider opportunities in their future lives.โ€ฏOur children will be challenged, in an environment where they feel safe, and where any mistakes are viewed as part ofโ€ฏtheir learning journey as they build aโ€ฏdetermination to succeed. Our children are taught how to work in teams, where each team member is valued and has a role to play in order to achieve a collective goal. This enables them to develop excellent communication skills and provides our children with opportunities to explain and discuss their ideas, allowing them to become reflective and considerate learners.โ€ฏโ€ฏThis is achieved by providing a curriculum that motivates and inspires children, so that they have a thirst for learning, and an intrinsic desire to achieve their goals.โ€ฏโ€ฏ Character development, independence, collaborationโ€ฏandโ€ฏbuilding resilienceโ€ฏare key elements that our curriculum offers and combining this with developing the whole child in a structured approach to teaching well-being and mental health, we believe we are preparing our children for the wider world.โ€ฏ 

    • Enrichmentโ€ฏ

      Our curriculum encompasses enrichment with the expectation that our children will work within, and be, active members of the community. This is embraced and encouraged by members of our governing body, local businesses and parents, who work with our staff to plan community projects and topical days. In doing this, we are creating future global citizens, who will be equipped for the challenges and opportunities of life, in a fast-changing and interdependentโ€ฏworld.โ€ฏ 

    • Curriculum Design

      As part of the curriculum design, we have considered:โ€ฏ 

      • Developing sequential, progressive learning skills, where pupils know more and can do more, building on what they have been previously taught.โ€ฏ 
      • Local context of our school and its history, as well as forward facing to our future and enriching the lives of pupils and our community.โ€ฏ 
      • Considering depth, breadth and curriculum content, so that children have a rich understanding of our world.โ€ฏ 
      • Having a clear purpose for assessment, and the way in which that is used.โ€ฏ 
      • Listening to pupil’s voice so that this feeds into the curriculum and the children learn about things that they are passionate about.โ€ฏ 

    Year Group Overview

    Press the button below to find out more about each year group here at ATP.

    EYFS- Curriculum Overview Year 1 - Curriculum Overview Year 2 - Curriculum Overview Year 3 - Curriculum Overview Year 4 - Curriculum Overview Year 5 - Curriculum Overview Year 6 - Curriculum Overview


    Alder Tree Primary Academy is proud to be part of the White Rose Academies Trust. We are a primary school educating children from Nursery until Year 6.



    Our pupils are at the heart of everything we do. We want to use our website to showcase the incredible pupils at Alder Tree Primary Academy.

    • English

      Our English Curriculum is designed to help children build connections and develop schema between reading and writing in order to promote strong literacy skills. 


      At Alder Tree we develop reading skills with a systematic approach with three key strands; ‘Learn to Read’, ‘Read to Learn’ and ‘Read for Pleasure’. This approach allows children to make links in their learning, develop connections and schema between subjects and become high performers across all curriculum areas. Our aim is for all children to be confident, fluent readers by the time they leave school and be ready for their next stage in education.โ€ฏ 

      Learn to Readโ€ฏ 

      Early Reading at Alder Tree is taught through Systematic Synthetic Phonics – the Floppy’s Phonics program teaches word reading as well as comprehension strategies and is aligned with the Oxford Reading Tree reading scheme to ensure all children read books that are matched to their phonic knowledge. All children in Years Reception, 1 and 2 have daily phonics lessons. Children in Key Stage 2 have phonics or spelling lessons a minimum of 3 times per week. When children are secure in their phonic knowledge and can successfully and fluently read books at Level 5 with speed, accuracy and automaticity, they use Accelerated Reader to continue their reading progression whilst having more freedom to choose texts and develop their love of reading.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Guided reading is taught daily from Years 1-6 and focuses on developing fluency and comprehension strategies. Year 1 uses a small group model. Years 2-6 use a whole class reading model with focus on explicitly teaching vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanation, retrieval and summarising/sequencing alongside fluency.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

       Read to Learnโ€ฏ 

      Reading is at the heart of our curriculum. Children are encouraged to find out new things and deepen their understanding by reading and exploring texts. The quality texts used have been carefully mapped out to provide challenge and deepen understanding of the thematic curriculum; this allows cross-curricular exposure to reading for different purposes.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Timetabled enquiry sessions support our curriculum – children have a clear rationale for accessing the school library and class libraries during curriculum enquiry time including the use of Learning Labs and provision areas. These are enhanced with purposeful books that promote enquiry and inform teaching sequences.โ€ฏStudents have time to explore topics that interest and inspire them, they use analysing skills to develop their critical thinking and use information in productive ways to produce a range of outcomes.โ€ฏ 

      Reading for Pleasureโ€ฏ 

      At Alder Tree we promote a love of reading, our class novels are based around 2 key authors per year group. This allows children to become fully immersed in the style of particular writers and gives an in-depth look at the works of important literary figures.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Our resident story-teller provides story sessions for all year groups for an immersive experience into stories.โ€ฏโ€ฏThis develops student’s creative thinking skills, supports development of oracy, confidence in reading and writing and provides a space for imagination.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Our ‘Spotlight Authors’ are aligned with our school community and represent the diverse experience of the children at Alder Tree.โ€ฏWe focus on one author per half term, story sessions are built around the author’s work. Students learn to see alternative perspectives andโ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      The ATP library has been redeveloped to encompass our values ‘Believe, Belong, Become’ in a magical woodland scene. This helps children become immersed in stories and be transported away from a formal learning environment to one of imagination and relaxation.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 


      In writing we have carefully mapped our Quality Texts to support learning composition skills for a variety of text types. Our cross curricular approach to writing means that students have the opportunity to become fully immersed in a text and learn the skills needed for writing before drafting, composing and editing their final piece of writing. Out writing cycle is built over three key phases – Reading, Toolkit and Writing. 

      Reading Phase 

      The Reading Phase includes hooking children into their writing, teaching new vocabulary, immersion in the text, analysing key features of the genre, questions linked to the reading question stems, prediction, sequencing and drama.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Toolkit Phase 

      The Toolkit Phase includes explicit teaching, practice and application of relevant grammar and punctuation and other skills required to meet the success criteria.โ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏ 

       During this phase, teachers model how to be writers, talking through their thought processes and taking ideas from children as part of shared writing.โ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Children complete ‘Red Zone’ tasks and receive clear feedback on how to develop and master their new skills.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Writing and Editing Phase 

      In the Writing Phase of the cycle children create a plan for their writing based on their specific text-type, audience and purpose.โ€ฏโ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      They begin to draft their piece of writing: at this point, children learn how to proof-read, edit and improve their writing, working meticulously to become effective authors. Whole class feedback and feedback clinics are used to guide children whilst still expecting independent application of skills.โ€ฏโ€ฏ 

      Once drafted, the children complete their final piece where they apply all the skills that they have learnt throughout the entire cycle to produce a final, high-quality piece of writing, of which they take great care and pride in doing. 

      Click here to find out more about English at ATP.

    • Maths

      Maths is taught daily at Alder Tree Primary. We use the White Rose Maths Hub small steps and resources to compliment the teaching and learning sequence and to ensure that learning is sequential and in small steps. Maths facts are a high priority. Children are awarded for learning both number bonds (KS1) and times tables (KS2) and this learning is celebrated as a whole school through a Times Tables Rockstars Assembly every half-term.

      For further information about how we teach addition, subtraction, multiplication and divison, you may also find our calculation policy for each year group helpful. 

      Year 2 Calculation Policy 

      Year 3 Calculation Policy 

      Year 4 Calculation Policy 

      Year 5/6 Calculation Policy 

      Numeracy Strategy 

    • Scienceโ€ฏ

      The reasons we teach science at Alder Tree are: 

      •Excites, engages and inspires us to be curious about our world 

      •Teaches us to talk, think and act like a scientist 

      •Is dynamic, hands on and accessible for all 

      •Is purposeful and relevant to our lives 

      •Raises our scientific capital and aspirations 

      •Empowers us to be knowledgeable about our world 

      •Gives us opportunities to work together and by ourselves 

      Through science our children will develop an enquiring mind by connecting their ideas, experiences and knowledge both from home and school.  Our science curriculum will have opportunities for our children to connect with our wider community. Science at ATP offers many opportunities for our children to be collaborative, working in teams to solve problems and test out ideas.  

      Through our varied curriculum we help our children to confidently communicate their learning in science, building on their own and others ideas and understanding. Our children develop their resilience, creativity, and imagination.  Through science, we encourage children to take risks, generate their own ideas and to work systematically in science.  

      Click here to find out more about Science at ATP.

    • Computing

      Through the knowledge-rich computing curriculum at Alder Tree Primary, children successfully navigate the three areas of computing (Information Technology, Digital Literacy and Computer Science) in meaningful contexts.  By honing their skills, children have a strong understanding of how technology shapes their world and are prepared both for the next stage of their learning and beyond. Children will take their place in the technological world as model citizens and a multitude of future opportunities will be open to them.  

      Computing will support children to find their place by helping them understand how to engage with people both within and outside the school community in a safe and respectful way. They will use technology to discover more about the world around them, helping them build understanding and acceptance. Children will use technology to work collaboratively, for example, sharing and building ideas for a common, shared purpose.  

      Click here to find out more about Computing at ATP. 

    • History

      Through history at Alder Tree Primary, children will develop a sense of belief that they can achieve anything they want to. They will research significant events and historical figures, old and new, and believe they themselves can make a difference and make a change to society. History can support children to find their place in the world by reflecting on historical events and figures from Yorkshire, the UK and beyond. Children will recognise how important history is in shaping communities and nations and they will develop a sense of belonging and national pride. The history curriculum has been designed to ensure that children can practise previously taught skills, persevere with difficult concepts, and develop resilience. They will develop a chronological understanding of the world around them.  

      Click here to find out more about History at ATP.

    • Geography

      Through geography at Alder Tree Primary, children will develop a sense of belief that they can achieve anything they want to. At Alder Tree we believe that Geography plays a pivotal role in children understanding the many opportunities available to them not just in Leeds but the UK and beyond. We believe it is imperative that children study, understand and develop a curiosity about the world and its people.  

      Geography can support children to find their place in the world . Geography enables children to develop a greater understanding and knowledge of the world, as well as their place in it. The geography curriculum at Alder Tree Primary begins with children looking at where they live in Leeds and then develops with children exploring the UK, within Europe and the wider world. 

      Geography should be an opportunity for our children to connect with their environment, for them to connect with people and places that are similar to where they live and for them to connect with people and places that are different. Through these connections, children will develop an understanding of the complex world in which we live, appreciating differences and celebrating our richly diverse and varied world. 

      Click here to find out more about Geography at ATP.

    • Art

      Through art at Alder Tree Primary, children will develop a sense of pride by creating new pieces of work. They will produce their own original artworks where imagination and intellectual playfulness are encouraged. We believe that art can support children to find their place in the world by reflecting on artists from Yorkshire, UK and beyond. Through experiencing thought-provoking pieces of art pupils will develop a concern for society and empathy for others. Our art curriculum has been designed to ensure that children can practise previously taught skills, persevere with difficult concepts, and develop resilience.  

      Click here to find out more about Art at ATP.

    • Music

      Our high-quality music curriculum at Alder Tree Primary will allow pupils to experience a wide range of musical styles both when listening and performing music. 

      Through music, our children will develop confidence and creativity by playing and performing music. They will learn to play instruments and develop their singing skills independently and collaboratively. We believe that music can support children to discover their creative interests and talents by learning new skills inspired by artists both nationally and globally. The music curriculum will ensure that children can develop skills throughout their years at school, persevere with difficult concepts, and develop resilience.  

      • Children will make connections between artists who create similar work. As they progress through school, they will make connections between skills taught in a previous year group and begin to build on this.  
      • Children will be provided with opportunities to experience music first-hand through weekly music lessons, performances and workshops and visits.  
      • Children will learn how to creatively communicate through music. Children will discuss during lessons how music makes them feel and what they enjoy. 
      • Children will look at a variety of artists who have had an impact on the world. Through music, we can communicate and celebrate. Children can link this to their own experiences of the annual Leeds West Indian Carnival.

      Click here to find out more about Music at ATP.

      Click here to view our Music Development Plan.

    • Design and Technology

      Through D&T at Alder Tree Primary, children will develop a sense of belief that they can achieve anything they want to. They will experiment with their design, creativity and evaluation skills to achieve a product from their imagination. D&T will support children to develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate and belong successfully in an increasingly technological community. The children at Alder Tree will build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users. 

      Click here to find out more about Design and Technology at ATP.

    • Physical Education

      Through PE at Alder Tree Primary, children will develop a sense of belief that they can achieve anything they want to. They will improve their skills year upon year so that they have talents in a range of sports and that they truly believe in themselves so that they are confident in trying new sports and being the best sportsperson they can be! 

      We believe that PE can support children to find their place in the world by reflecting on their own and other’s performances. They know that they will be supported by their teachers, coaches and peers to improve their own performances and belong to the team that is Alder Tree Primary Academy. 

      The PE curriculum has been designed so the children can have exceptional levels of imagination and creativity in their techniques, tactics and choreography. The ability to take the initiative and become excellent young leaders; organising and motivating and instilling excellent sporting attitudes in others

    • Religious Education

      In RE at Alder Tree Primary we teach children about their own faith and those of others, as well as fostering a confidence in their own beliefs. In doing so we hope it not only encourages the value of kindness as a core principle to all religions but also endeavour that it creates respect and tolerance for those who have views which are different to our own. We also hope all children, irrespective of their own faith, take away the lesson that being kind to others is a highly regarded value.  

      Our RE lessons are based on a big question each term. We make connections and collect clues to help us to answer the big question. Our work is concept driven and we often focus on key words to develop religious literacy and equip us with the skills we need to discuss religion. We are developing the skills needed to access Religious Education, like debating and group work. We currently learn about Christianity, Judaism and Islam in Key Stage One, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism, Islam and Judaism in Key Stage Two. We are also introduced to other non-religious world views with sessions in both key stages. RE lessons often include circle time, critical thinking, visits to places of worship and discussion with people of faith and non-faith. Our RE helps us to learn about diversity in the UK and around the world 

      At Alder Tree, our RE curriculum has been designed to expose children to a rich and varied curriculum. By doing so children develop a deep knowledge and understanding which they can then use to explore and develop their independence individually and in small groups . Skills and concepts are ‘interleaved’ across each year and across key stages so that learning in religious Education is truly embedded in the long term memory. 

      We aim that in learning about other religions, children become more confident to talk about their own faith and feel a sense of belonging within the Alder Tree community. We also hope that children become more knowledgeable about other faiths and can therefore seek out similarities and differences. 

      Pupils will develop an understanding of how to become successful through the lens of different faiths. They will be encouraged to think about what different faiths teach us all about being right or wrong – or successful and unsuccessful. We will also consider what those religions teach us about becoming a helpful citizen and about the importance of being concerning of everyone around us. 

      Click here to find out more about RE at ATP

      At Alder Tree we follow the West Yorkshire Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education. 

      Click here to find a copy of the syllabus.

    • Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

      At Alder Tree Primary we believe that PHSE has an important place in our children’s learning journey. Our spiral curriculum builds on our strong belief that every child can achieve and will be successful. We provide children with the tools to believe in themselves and their peers.  We provide students with a curriculum that enables them to develop a knowledge and understanding of diverse cultures and religions particularly those within their own society. We learn to belong in class, in our community and our country. Through PHSE, our students are encouraged to develop the ability to tackle moral and spiritual dilemmas and to try and reach independent judgements, which reflect universal human principles, British values and our vision. 

      Click here to find out more about Personal, Social, Health and Economic at ATP.

    • Spanish

      Our curriculum stimulates enjoyment and commitment of learning a foreign language. It assists our children to develop enquiring minds and the ability to think rationally. This prepares them effectively for the next stage in their education. 

      Our children will enjoy the benefits of learning a modern foreign language and it forms part of the school curriculum policy to provide a broad and balanced education to all children, whatever their ability, religion, ethnicity and gender. We provide learning opportunities that enable all pupils to make progress. We do this by setting suitable learning challenges and catering for each child’s different needs. 

      We believe that one of the main benefits to the children of learning a modern foreign language at primary school level is a social one. Those children who have difficulty in reading and writing, but who have good aural skills, will often find that they excel at speaking in foreign languages. This success breeds confidence, which in turn increases self-esteem and gives pupils a more positive attitude to school. 

      Click here to find out more about Spanish at ATP.

    Assessment and Reporting
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