ATP ANNOUNCEMENTS: Food Bank open every Wednesday 2:00pm - 3:00pm

    Behaviour at Alder Tree Primary

    Download Our Expectations on Transitions

    At Alder Tree Primary we are committed to providing an exciting, inclusive and engaging approach to learning where all our community can:

    • Believe in themselves and show confidence (we know that this is key to good behaviour, good learning attitudes and future success)
    • Know that they belong to a warm, welcoming, positive school
    • Become people who model the attitudes and behaviours that will help others to enjoy positive experiences in school and in life.

    We believe that a positive approach to behaviour enables all pupils to thrive at Alder Tree Primary. Within this climate of positivity, we have high expectations for our pupils at all times in school.

    Our approach is deliberately simple to follow; it is based on three rules:

    Be Ready

    Be Respectful

    Be Safe

    These rules help us in our conversations with pupils and will provide children with a clear and simple set of expectations. We expect the best from our children for them to reach their full potential, both at Alder Tree Primary, but also as they move through to Secondary, and later life.

    Our drive for a positive culture in school is complimented by different rewards that pupils can receive or work towards. From postcards to phone-calls home, pupils love receiving the recognition they deserve.

    The staff at ATP work collaboratively in CPD and research to ensure that our approach is effective, and ‘right’ for all of our pupils. We do this through Staff Book Club, Behaviour Clinics and full staff meetings.

    The '5 Step' Behaviour Process
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